Responses Repository

Fringe of Colour Films 2023 Hayley Wu (胡禧怡) Fringe of Colour Films 2023 Hayley Wu (胡禧怡)

Home is the horizon

Hayley Wu (胡禧怡)

“It feels like there’s no good place to be these days,” my friend tells me over lunch. We are in a quiet corner of Hong Kong, thinking about the dozens of friends and acquaintances who in the past year have left the city, looking for a new home. From what we hear, no one has found one elsewhere yet.

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Fringe of Colour Films 2023 Georgina Quach Fringe of Colour Films 2023 Georgina Quach

The power of orating our histories

Georgina Quach

Still We Thrive, written and directed by Campbell X, ensures we never look away from the past. It brings together contemporary Black actors speaking to camera with archive footage of Black history from the Caribbean, United Kingdom, United States and the African continent. As poet Elizabeth Alexander said, for so long, communities of colour have had to “carry around knowledge and stories in our bodies,” because resources were not devoted to preserving the spaces that held those stories and culture.

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Fringe of Colour Films 2023 Arusa Qureshi Fringe of Colour Films 2023 Arusa Qureshi

Embracing stillness to conceive the Soft Bwoi

Arusa Qureshi

Beyond the constructs and confines of gender, the divine feminine exists deep within us all. It’s the energy that allows for compassion, nurturing and devotion; an embracing of softness and stillness in all its varying guises. In Danny Bailey’s short film Soft Bwoi, the notion of the divine feminine is beautifully encapsulated through the use of folklore and imagery from Caribbean carnival culture and queerness.

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